The IRAQ Story
The story of Iraq is one of continuous failures and chaos, caused by a lack of inclusiveness across society and the absence of effective political solutions to the disaster zone Iraq has become.
A selection of documentaries and other footage has been compiled, produced by various different organisations and media outlets on the topic of Iraq.
They serve to fill the gaps that mainstream media leaves in its coverage of the situation in Iraq. Whereas most coverage tends to focus on the results of failures in Iraq, footage compiled below examines the root causes behind why this happened, and how these issues have slowly been amassing since Iraq nationalised its oil.
For those new to Iraqi history or needing to catch up on the latest developments, this page provides the starting point:
A selection of documentaries and other footage has been compiled, produced by various different organisations and media outlets on the topic of Iraq.
They serve to fill the gaps that mainstream media leaves in its coverage of the situation in Iraq. Whereas most coverage tends to focus on the results of failures in Iraq, footage compiled below examines the root causes behind why this happened, and how these issues have slowly been amassing since Iraq nationalised its oil.
For those new to Iraqi history or needing to catch up on the latest developments, this page provides the starting point:
VIDEOS مكتبة الأفلام
اللقاء التشاوري الوطني في المملكة المتحدة هو نتاج حثيث للقوى الوطنية العراقية في الخارج والداخل تم الاتفاق عليه بعد سلسلة لقائات في اوربا والدول المجاورة والداخل العراقي وبعد لقائات عديدة مع مسؤولين اوربيين لشرح قضايا تخص حقوق الشعب العراقي كافة والانتهاكات التي سببتها العملية السياسية في العراق
Human Rights Abuses
Iraqi Politicians
Iraq's Militias